When arriving to the interview call/communiqué, we are all excited as we have cleared the first part of screening and have been called for the personal interview of the dream job. It is essential for all of us to be prepared for the interview and sum up most common interview questions and their answers to develop confidence and flair when we face them.
In our previous blog HOW TO PREPARE FOR PERFECT INTERVIEW –COMMON QUESTIONS AND APPROACH, We have discussed in details the mindset of the interviewer while conducting a personal interview. Unless it is for a specific role, 90% of the interviewer’s questions and approach revolve around these underlined traits.
So here we are going to take up the questions relevant to the mindset of the interviewer.
All of us in professional careers have gone through interviews for our jobs, many a times we have failed to click the right job because we were not prepared to answer. Over this post we shall be discussing how to prepare for a perfect interview and what questions should we expect.
Remember when we approach for an personal interview, the interviewer has to judge the candidate on certain aspects, as they are inducting you for a specific task and introducing you to their organizational culture. Now is we are close to these judgment parameters in advance wea re well prepared to present our candidature
The interviewers are well managed when it comes to judge a candidature for a particular job , they need to satisfy themselves on a lot of aspects before committing an offer, generally these are the parameters on which every interviewer weighs a candidature
STRESS …now a days it’s too often to hear this word, yes actually STRESS is the new age disorder gripping the world , simply defined stress is mental strain which causes physical , emotional, medical disorder or psychological and behavioral changes in the person affected.
Stress grips a person without any warnings it is basically the way we handle different situations in our daily life on WORK, EMOTION, PERSONAL RELATIONS, SOCIETY, FINANCES AND TO EXTENT OF EVEN DRIVING TRAFFIC AND POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. Acute stressed situations lead to unhealthy eating habits, or eating too much, developing alcohol habits, increased smoking , less sleep and eventually leading to bad physical conditions and ailments.
74% of people responded acute levels of stress which they find difficult to cope up in past year
Behavioral effects -46% of the respondents reported thy they either ate too much or too less or irregular eating 29% admitted to increased drinking and 16% admitted to increased smoking or started smoking habits.
Psychological effects -51% of people who reported stressed condition stated feeling depressed and 61% respondents reported feeling anxious.
18% reported of self harm and 30% reported of having suicidal feelings.
It is important to identify stress before it starts taking toll on one’s health, when you start feeling misbalance in your work and personal life and either of one is carried on your mind throughout the day , that is stress. It triggers our nervous ability thus creating imbalance causing mood swings, or just not bothered attitude. Stress can be broadly categorized in following heads as listed below
Angry, pissed off over an issue or just Furious on happenings around you, let break this today and check out what are the possible tips and therapies to overcome these situations when anger is triggered beyond control and may impede persons decision making ability or severe relationships or otherwise create harmful situations, controlling anger can limit our damages to greater extent.
We all get swayed by the happenings around us and our reactions to these incidents depend on our approach towards these things. Some people may get too furious and few people may raise their eyebrows on anger but would soon resent to normalcy. Now this all depends on individuals how do they take the things happening around them. We all get angry, don’t we; if someone says he never gets angry then it seems there is some psychological problem. Getting angry is also healthy but when it is controlled anger as evident from most of research studies when we are angry over an issue our body releases certain hormones eventually good for our system.
Unlike animals and other species the anger is form of the protection, they react with anger when under threat but in humans it’s triggered by the situations around and incidents happening around us, when things are not happening our way, or not meeting one’s goals, betrayed by loved ones or even politics. The expression of discontent when becomes out of control, aggressions and loudness with uncontrolled gestures is anger.
NAMASTE –NAMASKAR –NAMASKARAM, we often see these salutations, commonly practiced in INDIAN subcontinent and within the global Indian community. Normally it is believed to be a regular salutation or cultural aspects of greetings like from any other region of the world, but there is deep meaning and Vedic science of performing NAMASTE and it is one of the most practiced MUDRA of YOGA as well. Let’s dive deep in understanding the true meaning of NAMASTE, NAMASKAR and the science behind it
NAMASTE is generally used salutation which means “I bow to you with reverence” while meeting someone or parting away from someone. It has similar accent and meaning for all age and gender groups.
This is how the word is abbreviated to understand the true meaning of it, let’s understand this first, the term NAMASTE originated in Sanskrit language from the ancient VEDAS- the holy ancient texts from INDIA which is base to the practice of Hinduism. The first part of NAMASTE in Sanskrit is NAMAH – which means to bend in gratitude respect and honour,bending is sign of submission, gratitude and respect to the one greeted. TE here means – to you, in honour of you, so over the time this salutation became common form of respectful greetings.
The global pandemic has taken the world by storm, and we have seen fire fighting of the situation all along the year 2020 and year 2021 irrespective of the nations Health system on global index. Be it US or ITALY including most of European countries or any other ASIAN countries. the humanity was not prepared for it or rather i would say it was underestimated before it took the whole World under its grip.NOW after a year passed by, most of the nations have shifted their priorities to strengthen the respective HEALTH CARE and when most of the countries have secured the vaccines accordance to their needs, there are lot of countries still looking in for the solution to secure vaccines for their population.
One of the world’s most celebrated sports league, IPL is crickets most celebrated league with lot of fanfare and professional cricket. This year the 14th season of the IPL was planned between April 9th to 30th may 2021 across six different venues in INDIA i.e. AHEMDABAD, DELHI, BANGLURU, MUMBAI, CHENNAI and KOLKOTTA.
IDEAS do matter a little but what matters the most is the execution, on the above mentioned startup ideas the common factor which is most important to all is the execution of it. Do not bake the potatoes half, its waste of efforts and you don’t even enjoy it. Below are the listed rules for every startup
LOCKDOWNS are there again and the struggle seems to be on the cards, not all of us have forgotten the last year LOCKDOWN struggles where we are forced to sit at home and INDIA witnessed a lot of job cuts or salary cuts. It was difficult for all of us to sustain the difficult times.
When we are in projects, there are lot of things to be mapped, the time lines, managing communication, inventories and lord knows all lot of things. How about discussing on few effective tools which help you to keep the projects on track and in fact in complete sync of what’s going on there.