The Power of Whats App Automation and its process.

whatsapp application screenshot


In today’s fast-paced world, efficient communication is vital for any successful business. With the rise of messaging apps, one platform has emerged as a game-changer in the hotel and resorts industry: Whats App. Not only does Whats App allow businesses to stay connected with guests, but with the right automation strategies, it also streamlines operations, enhances customer experience, and boosts revenue. In this blog, we will explore the benefits and best practices and power of Whats App automation in the hotel and resorts business.

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Human resource often outlined as a non productive and administrative department as it does no lead to potential revenues or production, than this is one of the biggest mistake you would ever do to your business. Human resource is one of the most productive building block of the organisation  that not only manages current but develops the future pipeline of the organisation, in this article –THE NEW POSSIBLE we shall discuss how effective HRM can be a winning stroke for your establishment

Human resources managers oversee the most important component of a successful business – a productive, thriving workforce. This requires viewing people as human assets, not costs to the organization. As with any other asset, a talented workforce can be used strategically to add value to an organization. The HRM most productive role is to strategically manage people as a business resource, establish the process of Hiring and recruitment people with specific skills, establish employment benefits and develop training and development needs based of anticipation of the future roles.

BUILD EMPLOYEE LOYALTY -BUILD lucrative employment matching with needs of organisation and skills of the employee develop transparent appraisal system to gain the faith in management and enhance equal opportunity for all. Maintaining personal touch with employees and their social environment through CSR activities is one step further.

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8 Keys to Successful start up

Every start up is unique in some way or the other as it is mostly different in concept and application than the orthodox business, in reality it is a business. Although this article is written from general perspective on developing a successful practice, the principles can be used in virtually any business.

I have been in the hospitality industry for over 20 years and can proudly say I do have a highly successful business, as a management practice. Over the years, I have learned many things that work in running a business and even more that do not. It is with this in mind that I share the following 7 keys to running a successful start up. Regardless of your industry they can apply.

1.   Have a vision

One of the most important aspects of running any business is to have a clear vision of what you want that business to be like. What do you want to be known for in the marketplace? What kind of clients do you desire? What level of service do you want to provide? Do you want to be “one among many” or do you want to be considered a leader in your industry?

By answering these and many other similar type questions, you will gain insight into the direction you can, and should, take your business.

2.   Develop a plan that ties into the vision

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restaurant sales

FOOD AND BEVERAGE has always been of most interest to me over the years I have spent in the hospitality industry; over the career span I have had great experiences in starting, launching and improving the restaurant business and overall food and beverage business of my hotels. Here I put forward my take on most effective ways to increase restaurant sales

Now let’s understand it is not a days job to uplift the sales of the restaurant, the overall plan has to be

So I am sure we don’t need to define these three magical commandments for successful campaign and yield results from our efforts, no we list down the important steps to be taken

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Supervisors are the backbone of any operations, in fact they are the most important key link between the management and the workforce, not only they are responsible for the supervising day to day operations at the shop floor level but are also the one connect which takes the management policies and decisions down the line and gather feedback and the results upwards. Supervision is budding leaderships.

In fact the most important line of action for any kind of the operations or industry ,lets take example of the hotel industry , how many transactions are held or directly handled by the executives or the managers , mostly up to 7% , THE SUPERVISORS handle up to 43% of the transactions and portray the brand ambassadors for the company standards.

So what is it which makes a supervisor complete one …..LETS DEFINE IT more simply

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Over the recent years we have witnessed a lot of startups transforming from small enterprise effort to larger companies and corporations. The success of the startup breads in the IDEA the business was set up to, but growing to larger scales brings in many more challenges. One of the few challenges we should discuss today is developing company culture or organizational culture in the enterprise.

The company culture defines the organizational behavior or the ethics, values, shared beliefs as visualized by the promoters or the leaders involved in setting up the enterprise. There exists the organizational culture as defined by the governing bodies or other Government regulatory authorities which are mandatory to accomplish to obtain the necessary permissions to operate, but there is more to it, when it comes in developing a healthy, progressive and transparent organisation promising equal opportunity to all the employees /contributors.

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DIFFERENCE OF OPINION often termed as conflict are inevitable as they are bound to happen when we have a team of people working for the common objectives. This difference of opinions may arise from the way we look at the things or say individual approach towards the happenings around us. Workplace disagreements or conflicts are bad and they need to be resolved at the priority Handling conflicts at workplace to ensure smooth functioning of the organisation as well as garnering the optimum productivity in any given process.

Defining the resolution process of such conflicts one need to be assured of striking a perfect balance between both the parties at such a conflict ,without harming personal and emotional well being and long term applicability of the resolution. So with modern applicability of the management there are two opinions about the conflicts, the traditional approach and the modern approach
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MOTIVATION is the key driving factor of any organisation, in order to stay competent to the market first thing any organisation needs is motivated employees to deliver the results. To understand this we need to first clearly define the motivation

Motivation is human psychological trait which stimulate the desire and energy in person towards achievements, results and performance of the role and responsibility his realm, a positive motivation boosts the positive energy towards achievement and improves dedication levels to attain the results while a negative one de motivates and distract the person away from achievements and results.

The most important role of the HRM is to maintain positivism at work place and assure managing small to large aspects that aid in creating positive motivation. Good HRM is able to gauge the atmosphere or working environment by just studying the general behavior of the employees , positive motivation creates happy , contented and goal oriented atmosphere around the workplace while the negativism creates just the opposite say, discontentment and tense workplace. As an important human factor the motivated employee is more inclined towards professional development and shows interest in skill development, decision making process, team building, training and development, so when you observe your training sessions are not happening by itself, or you have to push in your staff to attend them against their keen interest, is the early signs of discontent at your place.

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Vendor or supplier management is part of the procurement process involving selection of appropriate vendors, describing supply conditions, negotiating supplier contracts, quality bench marking of supplies and payment terms.

Vendor’s or suppliers are the most important part of production matrix in any operations, the set of standard operating procedures revolving around quality, goods inwards and procurement is collectively part of vendor management. The company runs with help of various expertise and other administrative needs and has to depend on different people, company’s in fields of IT , Human resources, third party marketing companies, Branding and advertisement etc for providing professional expertise and all of these come under vendor management circle.

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