All of us in professional careers have gone through interviews for our jobs, many a times we have failed to click the right job because we were not prepared to answer. Over this post we shall be discussing how to prepare for a perfect interview and what questions should we expect.
Remember when we approach for an personal interview, the interviewer has to judge the candidate on certain aspects, as they are inducting you for a specific task and introducing you to their organizational culture. Now is we are close to these judgment parameters in advance wea re well prepared to present our candidature
The interviewers are well managed when it comes to judge a candidature for a particular job , they need to satisfy themselves on a lot of aspects before committing an offer, generally these are the parameters on which every interviewer weighs a candidature

The interviewer is much interested to know about your professional past, technical aspects pertaining to your job and our responsibility levels previously held, he may further add up to ask you on the achievements and challenges in your previous assignment, so do expect the following questions
What was your last assignment and previous to that?
What were your responsibility levels you held on your last assignment?
How do you see your expertise to your responsibility levels?
What were your achievements and challenges in previous assignment?
You should be prepared to professionally present yourself, your expertise and responsibility levels , be specific and short and explanatory.
The judgment on the personal approach towards work and life is most typical and the interviewer expects straight answers as he has to judge your personality as a whole. Every interviewer has his own criteria out of his experience to judge the personality traits of a person He is inducting you to his team and needs a person who could fit in well, is calm and composite, team player, has right attitude towards work and is continuous learner, he should be an initiator and motivated towards the achievements, your body language speaks much louder than your words during the session and it is all noted. An experienced interviewer can uphold or notice if you lie or try to make up on certain answers. Be confident and prepared well in advance some of questions you may hit are below
How do you take up challenges?
What’s your approach on team management?
Have you ever worked in stressed situations and how have you overcome them?
Do you believe in training programs, what all on job trainings have you completed?
How do you maintain your work and life balance?
“a positive attitude is something everyone can work on, and everyone can learn how to employ it “
Joan Lunden
Well said in just one line, these parameters of the interviewer is to judge your attitude towards profession, are you a keen learner and have taken up this profession as a career or it is just a stop gap work, do you really want to build up your career progressively, your learning curve and your past extra orientation training, cross section trainings and your interpersonal skills, you my be asked these few questions
Why did you choose this career field? Or what’s that interests you in this job?
What extra expertise have you taken to sharpen your skills in your profession?
Where do you see yourself positioned after few years in this profession?
Do you believe in team work, if yes what have you done to improve your team management?
What really drives you to this assignment?
We may be assumed, that why interviewer is interested to know of my future goals or past team , but it is essential for him/her to assess your orientation towards your responsibility levels and to assess what drives you towards your job accomplishments.
Try to portray a strong attitude towards work and quality challenges, because this is what expected from the interviewee. Ensure you do not paint harsh picture but a generous team player who is motivated to drive his colleagues and team members towards common objectives of organisation. Try to project a picture of problem solver not problem raiser.
Checking the due diligence of the facts presented by you spoken or documented is a must for any interviewer before arising to any conclusion, it is mandatory for him to check the documents, relevant certificates and draw a learning curve of your past assignments to arrive to conclusion. Most of interviewer may check your past work assignments directly through their office but many of them have started approaching to free lancing companies to do the reference check of the candidates.
The check report is prepared on your educational and training certificates to assess your technical strength, it is advised to present all certificates big or small of any trainings, on job trainings or even if you have attended work safety drills etc on your previous assignments as this gives a wider picture of your candidature and gives you edge over others.
Give the names of the references where you can trust upon, it is advised to have a soft talk verbal approval from the referrer to place him in your reference. Remember references are always taken form “reporting to “heads and not colleagues at same levels.
Short and simple
I am am excited too with this question.