Human resource often outlined as a non productive and administrative department as it does no lead to potential revenues or production, than this is one of the biggest mistake you would ever do to your business. Human resource is one of the most productive building block of the organisation that not only manages current but develops the future pipeline of the organisation, in this article –THE NEW POSSIBLE we shall discuss how effective HRM can be a winning stroke for your establishment
Human resources managers oversee the most important component of a successful business – a productive, thriving workforce. This requires viewing people as human assets, not costs to the organization. As with any other asset, a talented workforce can be used strategically to add value to an organization. The HRM most productive role is to strategically manage people as a business resource, establish the process of Hiring and recruitment people with specific skills, establish employment benefits and develop training and development needs based of anticipation of the future roles.
BUILD EMPLOYEE LOYALTY -BUILD lucrative employment matching with needs of organisation and skills of the employee develop transparent appraisal system to gain the faith in management and enhance equal opportunity for all. Maintaining personal touch with employees and their social environment through CSR activities is one step further.

ENRICH COMPETITIVENESS -It requires a strategic effort towards developing the competitiveness in the job market , regular training’s and role assessment of every position is important , the procedures adapted today may be obsolete tomorrow , change management and adaptation of new technology can retain employees and win their loyalty and commitment other than being productive.
CORE VALUES –Establishing the core values of the organisation is utmost important, fair transparent system developed to aid wide spectrum of tasks such as hiring, training and development, workplace communication, mentoring employees, addressing management concerns and employee concerns.
UPGRADE THE PROCESS -Keeping up with the latest HR software and technology is an objective for your administrator. For example, a rising number of job candidates are finding jobs using mobile devices rather than desktop computers. Proficiency with a mobile app designed to attract new recruits can improve your administrator’s recruiting success. Additionally, learning about the latest software available to help test skills and screen backgrounds on new recruits can make an HR administrator more efficient at finding needed talent
MANAGE TRANSITIONS –smooth transition management is a two way process, with the change in the lead management board may result change in widespread policies affecting the employees state of mind and similarly change in employee work force may lead to state of despair in middle management, as an HR administrator the role of change management is crucial. Maintaining two way communications, establish constant meetings between management and employees can establish the faith in transition.
LEVERAGE POTENTIAL-in simple words, manage the workload with employee potential, an employee should not be underutilized or over stretched in the work management. Both the cases can cost the organisation productivity and profitability. The HR policies and coordination with the productive heads must be realistic to assess the effective potentiality and mechanical aid to achieve the productivity from an employee. This is all about balancing the two priorities.
To sum up the effective HR management should be successful in maintaining the transparent healthy relationship within the organisation structure, there should be concern of the management towards employee needs, grievance addresal and individual development, while the employee should have equal concern towards the customer needs, productivity and cost management.