MOTIVATION is the key driving factor of any organisation, in order to stay competent to the market first thing any organisation needs is motivated employees to deliver the results. To understand this we need to first clearly define the motivation
Motivation is human psychological trait which stimulate the desire and energy in person towards achievements, results and performance of the role and responsibility his realm, a positive motivation boosts the positive energy towards achievement and improves dedication levels to attain the results while a negative one de motivates and distract the person away from achievements and results.
The most important role of the HRM is to maintain positivism at work place and assure managing small to large aspects that aid in creating positive motivation. Good HRM is able to gauge the atmosphere or working environment by just studying the general behavior of the employees , positive motivation creates happy , contented and goal oriented atmosphere around the workplace while the negativism creates just the opposite say, discontentment and tense workplace. As an important human factor the motivated employee is more inclined towards professional development and shows interest in skill development, decision making process, team building, training and development, so when you observe your training sessions are not happening by itself, or you have to push in your staff to attend them against their keen interest, is the early signs of discontent at your place.

INTRINSIC –as the term indicates this is sort of motivation which is self emerging and does not need external factors to influence it , there are professionals who are self driven and has a larger desire towards success and achievements, these are self motivated people and education, social background and attitude to excel are the biggest attributes for such a motivation, off course on the flip side it could be negative as well , when a person has larger issues in his personal life or negative social background ,working environment or unacceptability in working peer group can lead to such conditions. Mostly you would find them in positive side only
EXTRINSIC- this is external influences, when external factors, motivated working group, performance rewards programs, training and development etc lead to positivity in the employee to perform and excel in output of the given responsibility is termed as external positive motivation , similarly like the former it too has a flip side of negative and this could be exactly averse situations of work place politics , inefficient boss, non cooperative work peer group or non recognition of efforts drive towards the negative external influences , however it is noticed a good employee having orientation towards personal growth mostly restraints from such environments and prefers to change the employment to switch over to more competent working environment.

Primarily the factors motivating the employees can be categorized in three major groups-
FINANCIAL –This covers the remuneration, cash incentives and other statutory covers such as provident fund and state insurances. This is most important factor so far as finance is the prime objective of working and leads to the well being of the employee and its dependents, as well it is the means of social cover too. It is advised every organsiation should have a fair and transparent and equality in the remuneration grades, rewards and incentives based on performances as it serves as prime objective of the employee being treated equal. This should also cover the employee loyalty rewards for the members who have been serving the organisation on a stable designation over the years.
ORGANISATIONAL ENVIORNMENT –This section covers the organizational work environment, transparency in management, physical working conditions and work and life balance. The organisation should ensure common practices for the entire team in terms of physical work environment such as noise pollution, back of house, mid work breaks etc., even smaller things such as health and hygiene at workplace matters a lot. Every organisation should try to create sustainable work life balance in every employee duty rosters giving them enough time to spend with family as well as work, this drives the employee to maintain focus at both the fronts simultaneously.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT –professional development includes the training and development imparted by organisation in development the capability and skills of the employees, the organisation which has established training and development in place have least attrition level as most employees prefer skill enhancement and career development as important as any other incentive or cash rewards. They are optimistic and are looking for long term growth in career. External skill development programs and internal leadership and management participation programs motivate employees towards growth and long term commitments to the organisation.
69% of employees said they would have worked harder if they were better recognized
thank you for feedback
Great write up…
thank you , how have you been all this while