PEOPLE here are referred to a broad term of our peers , colleagues who work around with us in any organization .They eventually form inner circle and define the behavior of the organization and off course we are also one of them. Knowing how to manage people around you with their ambitions is a key to success.
There are a lot of courses and literature available on this topic but what is important is its application as there is no defined process but it’s a trait every individual has to develop in his/her routine behavior, it’s a habit to be formed. Small soft skills and good habits such as wearing a smile and nod of acknowledgement also help to win confidence of people around you. Irrespective of the position you are labeled as, your peoples management plays an important role. Here we list some techniques which would assist you in sharpening your people’s management skills
Be a good LISTNER – that’s absolutely a first basic principle, reminding you of the basic listening skills of paying attention, do not interrupt; maintaining eye contact, acknowledgement nods etc. The key to listening well include keeping an open mind and not jumping to conclusions before or during conversations .This means you can’t assume what the speaker is thinking, what their problem is, or what the solution to their problem is – you have to let go of your preconceived notions, and you need to ask them. Even if they think the cause of a problem is obvious, a great manager listens with the intent of understanding as much about the situation as possible; don’t just barge in with a possible solution assuming you know all the answers well.
GET ENGAGED in conversation and communicate well
Effective people management involves understanding the people who make up the organization – their personalities, motivations as well as their personal and career goals. Empathy, active listening, and a people-first approach lead to a deeper mutual understanding of individuals and collectives. It is important to understand that people are different and have different traits and skill predispositions. Communicate well enough to maintain the dialogue , there are hidden surprises in each communiqué enabling for better solutions
Our engagement in the conversation and empathy shown towards the speaker builds levels of trust which later converts to loyalty towards a person or organization as the scenario may be. Appreciating the work and giving public acknowledgement is the highest motivator for the person ,so ensure you are up to it.
People who work around with us are from diversity of culture ,generation thought and the way they perceive things, the difference of opinion could be active , covert or passive so confront what is wrong but in a positive manner, making them understand shows the maturity levels of the person handling them. We do not need a temporary solution but a lasting one. Remember such conflict when emerged the solutions can lead to resentment or negativity or strengthen the team.