MOTIVATION is the key driving factor of any organisation, in order to stay competent to the market first thing any organisation needs is motivated employees to deliver the results. To understand this we need to first clearly define the motivation
Motivation is human psychological trait which stimulate the desire and energy in person towards achievements, results and performance of the role and responsibility his realm, a positive motivation boosts the positive energy towards achievement and improves dedication levels to attain the results while a negative one de motivates and distract the person away from achievements and results.
The most important role of the HRM is to maintain positivism at work place and assure managing small to large aspects that aid in creating positive motivation. Good HRM is able to gauge the atmosphere or working environment by just studying the general behavior of the employees , positive motivation creates happy , contented and goal oriented atmosphere around the workplace while the negativism creates just the opposite say, discontentment and tense workplace. As an important human factor the motivated employee is more inclined towards professional development and shows interest in skill development, decision making process, team building, training and development, so when you observe your training sessions are not happening by itself, or you have to push in your staff to attend them against their keen interest, is the early signs of discontent at your place.