This post target the aspirants who are about to finish the college or are in last leg of obtaining their graduation certificate, even important for those who are recent passed out and are waiting for a good job offer or yet to be placed. The answer in one –GET ON TO INTERNSHIP PROGRAM
An internship is a period of work experience offered by an employer to give students and graduates exposure to the working environment, often within a specific industry, which relates to their field of study. Internships can be as short as a week or as long as 12 months. They can be paid or voluntary
The purpose of the internship program is to get real exposure to the industry picking up relevant skills and knowledge the intern is employed at. A good internship program or let’s say a chartered internship program not only gives you practical aspects of the responsibility level but also increases the chances of getting absorbed on a full time employment. Here are the few snapshots of what industry research says
“Interns are hired in the companies where they practice internships with success rate of 72.8%”
“the chances of landing in a good job are increased by 56% if you have an internship certification of relevant skill”