Over the recent years we have witnessed a lot of startups transforming from small enterprise effort to larger companies and corporations. The success of the startup breads in the IDEA the business was set up to, but growing to larger scales brings in many more challenges. One of the few challenges we should discuss today is developing company culture or organizational culture in the enterprise.

The company culture defines the organizational behavior or the ethics, values, shared beliefs as visualized by the promoters or the leaders involved in setting up the enterprise. There exists the organizational culture as defined by the governing bodies or other Government regulatory authorities which are mandatory to accomplish to obtain the necessary permissions to operate, but there is more to it, when it comes in developing a healthy, progressive and transparent organisation promising equal opportunity to all the employees /contributors.

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Well let’s discuss today about Meditation, the term given by ancient Indian practice to balance the SOUL, MIND, and BODY and align all of them to inner circle thus improving our personal AURA

Meditation is generally mistaken as practicing YOGA, though YOGA cannot be practiced to its fullest advantage without Meditation, and YOGA itself is a tool to Meditate. Both the terms are so interconnected and hard to differentiate as they comprehend each other. We shall discuss in later Blog on the difference between both, but for now let us stick on elaborating Meditation

I define meditation in simple words as a process, resulting from a successful turning inwards of the mind with a conviction that there is a truth higher and more satisfying than what the mind and our intelligence can come up with, it is a final stage of a purified life. Best is to let go of all expectations and to keep oneself open and steady in the meditation practice. Meditation is not ungrounded imagination, seeing things, flying up in the air, astral travelling, or reading people‘s thoughts. The only goal of meditation is to achieve mental peace and balance.

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Let’s talk about Revenue Management, what is it and its importance in the present scenario, increase in the increase of competition, increase of special offers and promotions, increase of distribution channels, increase of price transparency and decrease in time to react. These factors have a direct effect on business revenues and its resultant profits; we have all be searching for strategies to maximize the revenues of our business. This has given rise to Revenue Management

“Revenue Management is interesting subject to be studied and more important to be implemented, my experience says once you establish it as a habit in your organization it’s more of a fun and sense of achievement as not only the business revenues grow at pace but the employees are also satisfied toward the price fetched for the quality services delivered to every guest. It’s highly motivating tool to be established in every organization.”



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