How often do you forget the importance of teamwork in your organization , No company or brand was built by one man or woman. It takes a team of hardworking and actionable individuals to create a path to success. The degree of commitment above the responsibility level forms a great team.
we must ensure to cultivate the feeling of ownership in every team member to achieve greater goals, this cannot be done with one or two sessions of training , it’s the culture embedded in the company and the importance given to every member inputs, knowledge, thoughts, in policy forums , the management has to ensure two way process of upward –suggestions and feedback and downwards –policies and goals. These voices when heard and given importance cultivate the sense of ownership and belonging to the members and create REAL TEAMS
Here are few Brainstorming quotes to cultivate Team spirit in any organization

‘No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team.”
Assuming you are talented to run your company by yourself, you’ll still lose to a competitor without REAL TEAM and non delegation of tasks.Because other company have embedded team culture
– Reid Hoffman
“A team is not a group of people who work together. A team is people who trust each other.”
– Simon Sinek
Not everyone that works together is a team. To develop a team, trust and confidence are critical.
‘Individual commitment to a group effort: That is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.”
– Vince Lombardi
As individuals, we all have our responsibilities, talents, and skills. Each of us must know our roles and perform them as needed. Whether it’s an organization or society, we build as a team and every individual effort adds to the cause.
“If you want to lift yourself, lift someone else.”–
Booker T. Washington
Sometimes to help yourself, it’s necessary to help others. The appreciation we get through the good work we do is priceless.
“Don’t aspire to be the best on the team , Aspire to the best for the team “-Brian Tracy
Teamwork isn’t a sprint race against others to win the fabled gold. To win in a team environment be available for your colleagues always
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” –Michael Jordan.
To lead the league you must have collective efforts.
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” –Henry Ford
Teamwork is shouldering each others responsibilities
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” –Henry Ford
One motto one direction and collective efforts achieve sure success
“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” –Phil Jackson
Give importance to each members efforts and expertise and collective
Establish connect
The foremost essential to greater teamwork is maintaining connect –here connect refers to personal connect; create personal space in colleagues personal life without hindering his/her privacy. This personal connect allows the team member to open up his personal problems and create environment of empathy and trust. These turn to be building blocks for greater team building. Few ideas to develop interpersonal relations is to break the barriers of uniform and designation , having lunch together or over a cup of coffee.
Continuous Improvement process
Foster Continuous Improvement program which is fundamental to cultural transformation. CI is a management system that empowers employees to solve problems; enables better customer service; and strengthens relationships. Through CI, the employees feel connected to mission, and success, because they are empowered to make decisions that affect positive change. We must push decision-making down into every level of organization.
Empower training process
Empower continuous training process to improve the productivity and enhance the technical knowledge of the team , remember sharpened tools give better results . when an organization invests in upgrading the knowledge of the employees it develops enthusiasm which is result oriented.
In the “I AM” principle, the “I” stands for “Inclusive”, making sure employees recognize how important they are as team members. acknowledge their inputs have value. They also love knowing how what they do makes a difference in the achievement of company objectives.
“A” is for “Autonomy,” giving employees the best tools and appropriate incentives to encourage individuals to make decisions aligned with the success of the company.
“M” represents “Movement.” Create a movement of real APPRAISAL program which focus on progressive advancement in terms of monetary and professional growth and reward, based on their performance.
Team work is such an interesting topic to discuss with hundreds of facts and practices, we shall take some more in depth sessions in future on this subject.
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