An immune system is vital to keep a person strong and healthy, it helps them fight the external threats of viruses and bacteria. Where in weak immune falls prey to the external micro bacterial infections, a strong immune system fights them all. In wake of the recent pandemic, its more relevant subject to learn and apply in our daily habits. Let’s take it step on step
How do we measure our immune system?
There are various medical tests to check your immune system, these blood tests are to determine if you have normal levels of infection fighting proteins called [IMMUNOGLOBULIN] in your blood and measure the level of immune system cells. Abnormal levels of certain cells can be detected to diagnose the weak immune system.
Our body also shows us the signs of our immune system, when we have a mosquito bite , the red bump is a sign of strong immune system , getting prey to flu or cold is a sign of weak immune. There are various lifestyle traits which adversely affect our immune system.
In wake of the COVID protocols it is often recommended to wash hands for 20 seconds inside out , keep social distancing and avoid accidental touches at public places , keep sanitizing and maintain a strong immune to fight the infection at early stages. It is also important for all of us to know that a strong immune build up is important to safeguard us.
Lifestyle trails to assess that you have weak immune system

The above lifestyle trails weaken the immune system , we need to change these on priority to attain good health ad overall body management.

KEEP LOW STRESS LEVELS –as discussed earlier in our article on meditation and happiness we have discussed the ways to maintain low stress levels and how you can do it.
EAT BALANCED DIET –eating balanced diet is sure ways to strong immune system , check you age and in accordance to age eat well and remember higher the age lower the ability of body to extract vital nutrients from the food we eat , in case your doctor advises you for external supplements ,make sure you do it. Get away from processed foods rather go for A la Minute kitchen recipes.
EXERCISE REGULARLY –This is one way to keep fit , exercise regularly to ensure circulation of blood through veins and brain cells, regular exercise or training our body helps blood circulation and thus keeping vital organs well.
SLEEP WELL –sleep well to keep your stress levels down and remember your body needs minimum of 8 hours of sleep
DON’T SMOKE –smoking chokes and moreover it directly effects our lungs which are our breathing organs. Don’t stress them keep away from smoking.
ADD HUMOR TO YOUR LIFE –happiness is one strong way to strengthen our immune system , keep yourselves happy , engage in comic series, talk to friends , share jokes and add humor to your life. For details please read through or article immune boosting through positivism.

GARLIC is common to most of our kitchens, please ensure you have garlic in your daily diet plan, taking a raw garlic clove in morning [pound it to oxidize for at least 5 minutes before taking it with water]like a pill or just take few cloves of garlic and roast them on hot plate for couple of minutes add salt and enjoy it. Garlic is ample in allicin which is helpful is preventing many viral challenges to our system.
Garlic is highly nutritious with very low calories it contains manganese 2% , vitamin B6 2%,vitamin C 2%,selenium and fiber. It helps lower blood pressure levels and aids good cardiac health. Garlic Is rich in antioxidants to check Alzheimer’s and dementia.

The ginseng of the east, ginger arrives from family of ginseng and is known for its anti oxidative properties to fight inflammation and offer many other health benefits, enjoy it in a cup of tea, green tea or just a concoction with any of your favorite drink. Rich in gingerol with powerfull medicinal properties, it treats many forms of nausea, treats morning sickness, and lower blood sugar levels to prevent heart diseases. Ginger is considered good in treating osteoarthritis and helps in improving indigestion.
Sprinkle a bit of dry ginger powder on any of your main course or just have spoon full of ginger juice with honey and dash of lemon in the morning to keep your daily intake.

Turmeric is rich in curcumin compound, it is known to build strong immune and improve antioxidants in the body which are helpful in anti inflammation, alzhiemiers, treating or restricting cancers, helping in arthritis and much more. It is part of the daily diet in some form or the other In East Asian and Indian subcontinent. It can be taken in diet or moderately mixed with warm water in morning empty stomach.
Green tea is less or negligible in caffeine , so this can be a better substitute of coffee and tea concoctions, enjoy it with dash of mint –rich in iron or dash of ginger. This can be taken multiple times a day just like warn water and helps in enhancing digestion, relieves constipation, mobilizes fat burning process and is a natural cleanser to the body.
Oily fishes such as TUNA, SALMON and PILCHARDS are rich in omega 3 acids , these are vital in recharging the brain cells and reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis [RA]. RA is chronic auto immune conditions, wherein the immune system meant to protect the body mistakenly attacks the healthy cells of the body thus decreasing immune fighting capabilities. Rich in good proteins , fish are natural diets to lose weight and improve lean protein . Easy to digest this can be taken in various recipes. Tuna salad , tuna sandwich o grilled salmon.
Broccoli is rich in vitamin c and its high fiber content which aids digestion process. It also contains potent oxidants such as sulforaphane where as spinach is rich in IRON, VITAMIN C VITAMIN E, carotenoids and flavonoids. All these contents are overall all immune builders and strengthen the immune system in fighting common colds, viral and small bacterial infections to the body.
Just pick up a handful of these nuts everyday and chew it, they are rich sources of many vitamins and essentials. Vitamins such as E, manganese, rich fiber and other antioxidants are good essentials to fight free radicals and improve immune.
Fruits are rich source of vitamins and minerals, rather not particularly mentioned above but other lot of tropical fruits are also good at fiber, minerals and vitamins which aid in building strong immune. It also keeps body balanced in daily minerals needs and remove fatigue and tiredness.
How can we forget the dessert recipes, dark chocolates makes wonderful choice in desserts , dark chocolates are rich in theobromine, which improves immune system by removing free radicals.
Free radicals are the small molecules produced by our body while breaking down the food or when food comes in contact with other pollutants. These free radicals can damage body cells and weaken the immune by exposing the risk of disease. Dark chocolate is suggested to be had in moderation as it is high in calories despite its health benefits.
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