PERSONAL development is a lifelong process. Realising the personal potential is up to the individual; remember one can define the capacity of himself at his own. It is a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to realise and maximise their potential. Personal development consists of activities that develop a person’s capabilities and potential, build human capital, facilitate employability, and enhance quality of life and the realization of dreams and aspirations. Personal development may take place over the course of an individual’s entire lifespan
Understanding the personal development traits, we need to break this entire subject in three aspects
Physical | Mental-Spiritual |Professional |
PHYSICAL Development in simpler terms is development of the physical personality, the way you physically present yourself to the world, language command, social etiquettes, mannerism, your outfits, grooming and dressing style. All these things do matter when you are presenting yourself to the world , the trust someone gathers over you is from the first impression of the physical personality, once this is taken care of the transaction or the responsibility would then come over next. It is easy to work on the physical development, some basics things taken care can make wonders. Self-confidence is the belief in your abilities, actions and decisions. If you have confidence in yourself, you might be more likely to pursue ambitious goals, try new things and believe you can succeed
Reading is one habit which is building block on your personality development as a whole; It can also stimulate your mind and can improve your critical thinking skills.

PROFESSIONAL development relates essentially to the profession you are in , one need to gain the expertise of the subject he/she is dealing in , for example if you are an accountant , you need to be sure of book keeping methods , software’s and basic principles of accounting. There are several other traits such as leadership qualities, communication both written and verbal, work ethics, motivation, integrity, adaptability etc which need to be sharpened to ensure professional development.
Work through challenging situations. When dealing with a problem, assess your options and determine the best solution. Know when to ask for advice or research in different scenarios.
Be a good listener –a good patient listener always learns , as he is open to different viewpoints and has better assessing abilities.
Adapt to change. Be flexible so you can deal with changes in work and life easily. Adaptable people can work well both alone and on a team
Team player, be a team player, go with the stream, correlate with peers and Good people skills make you a valued team member
Observe others. Watch and learn from the people who inspire you. This could be your supervisor, family member or public figure. Identify the qualities you admire in them, and try to replicate those in you.
MENTAL –SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT is the key to overall development, Mental development is an important aspect of growth, embracing the various mental abilities.Mental development includes such abilities as attending, perceiving, observing, remembering, imagining, thinking, solving problems and growth of intelligence as well as of language. Spirituality is a fundamental, everyday life process involving a joy of living, sacrifice and love for others, and a connection to self, others, nature, and to a larger meaning
Overcome your fears. Fear can prevent you from growing and progressing. If you are afraid of public speaking, for instance, take a class or join a group that helps people become better public speakers. If you are afraid of taking risks, find a mentor who can help you make good decisions and build your confidence
Meditate. Many people meditate to gain clarity and awareness and to reduce stress and anxiety. Meditation can help you focus on your self-development and goals in a healthy, positive and calm way.
Analyze the work flow, go deep in the functioning and observe process and results, deep thinking improves the brain functions and develops critical thinking abilities.
Focus –as elaborated in my earlier blog on better living with meditation, focus on energy centre’s of your body and try to concentrate. Analyse you’re your work done for the day and their results. This will enable you to critically examine your strengths and weaknesses to improve upon.