HAPPINESS is all around us, the need is to identify it in small things and small happenings around us. We need to find and nurture ways to cultivate happiness in our lives. Everyone of us have had good and bad memories, achievements and failures in our lives whether in our profession, personal lives, peers, children or social circles around us .Often it is observed that people who have seldom, hollow and isolated behaviors lead to discontentment and unhappy living, they are engaged in evaluating their past lives, failures and bad decisions which in turn makes them unhappy and sad by over and over remembrance.

FLIPPED EMOTIONS is the concern, we live in the atmosphere which is curated around us and the emotions cultivated in this atmosphere, emotions are very weird and instant, fast and uncontrollable and eventually take a toll on us. We get affected by the global happenings for instance let’s take example of the Pandemic; this pandemic has left people in distressed emotions, signs of anxiety and depression. Actually our brains are predictive and we react in the different situations according to our sensory changes , let’s take for example you are in a situation having comfortable walk in the jungle and suddenly you see a wild animal , your brain gets in predictive mode ,analyzing the past experiences in similar or close to similar situations and signals your body to physical changes of adrenaline rush, stiff muscles and increased heart beating as the emotions here would be of fear and insecurity ,now if you are a professional hunter and you are in similar situation of spotting a wild animal your brain signals are more mature to the conditions and reactions are of happiness of finding a target. Similar physical changes will emerge but the emotions would be of excitement and achievement.

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Well let’s discuss today about Meditation, the term given by ancient Indian practice to balance the SOUL, MIND, and BODY and align all of them to inner circle thus improving our personal AURA

Meditation is generally mistaken as practicing YOGA, though YOGA cannot be practiced to its fullest advantage without Meditation, and YOGA itself is a tool to Meditate. Both the terms are so interconnected and hard to differentiate as they comprehend each other. We shall discuss in later Blog on the difference between both, but for now let us stick on elaborating Meditation

I define meditation in simple words as a process, resulting from a successful turning inwards of the mind with a conviction that there is a truth higher and more satisfying than what the mind and our intelligence can come up with, it is a final stage of a purified life. Best is to let go of all expectations and to keep oneself open and steady in the meditation practice. Meditation is not ungrounded imagination, seeing things, flying up in the air, astral travelling, or reading people‘s thoughts. The only goal of meditation is to achieve mental peace and balance.

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