NAMASTE –NAMASKAR –NAMASKARAM, we often see these salutations, commonly practiced in INDIAN subcontinent and within the global Indian community. Normally it is believed to be a regular salutation or cultural aspects of greetings like from any other region of the world, but there is deep meaning and Vedic science of performing NAMASTE and it is one of the most practiced MUDRA of YOGA as well. Let’s dive deep in understanding the true meaning of NAMASTE, NAMASKAR and the science behind it
NAMASTE is generally used salutation which means “I bow to you with reverence” while meeting someone or parting away from someone. It has similar accent and meaning for all age and gender groups.
This is how the word is abbreviated to understand the true meaning of it, let’s understand this first, the term NAMASTE originated in Sanskrit language from the ancient VEDAS- the holy ancient texts from INDIA which is base to the practice of Hinduism. The first part of NAMASTE in Sanskrit is NAMAH – which means to bend in gratitude respect and honour,bending is sign of submission, gratitude and respect to the one greeted. TE here means – to you, in honour of you, so over the time this salutation became common form of respectful greetings.
According to the ancient writings, NAMASTE or NAMASKAR is formal salutation from soul in the greeter acknowledging the DEVINE soul of the greeted. So it is basically bowing down and to pay obeisance to the Devine powers in each of us. Similarly NAMASKAR is a combination of the words –NAMAH –SATKAR in Sanskrit NAMAH –means I and SATKAR meaning respect you or in gratitude, I respect your presence.
Every action defined in Sanskrit has a defined MUDRA to perform; MUDRA in simple definition can be understood as mark or gesture of articulating the actions. Every defined MUDRA-action has deep meaning in ancient writings as we can find numerous MUDRA being practiced in performing various classical dances and even YOGA. Similarly there is a defined MUDRA of performing the salutation of NAMASTE and this MUDRA defines the soul of the salutation

Hands must be folded like shown in above picture and should be held at the level of chest. Head should be little bowed down with eyes closed. This shows the complete gesture of performing NAMASKAR
Some people also touch the hands up to the bowed forehead to show more respect, in actual both the gestures have common meaning.

One of the most important things to remember while performing NAMASKAR is the intention; the intention has to be pure as this gesture is about acknowledging the divine in another person. When done with complete spiritual emotion the greeter is actually paying obeisance to the soul of the greeted, it inculcates the attitude of surrender and gratitude to enhance spiritual growth.
It is also observed that while performing the MUDRA if it is assisted with voice of saying NAMASKAR from the core of heart, it invokes the spirituality within a it combines the energies of the whole body to the cosmic energies hence attracting the positivity in relationships.
While performing the NAMASTE MUDRA and in complete gestures one should remember to keep the eyes closed, so the sequence goes like this
Hand folded –warm smile-eyes closed –head little bowed and oration of NAMASKAR
Now this process when practiced is performed within 3 seconds, the same time we take to perform any other gesture of HELLO-OLA or something like this.
Keeping the eyes closed one should imagine the GOD within our soul, as it enhances positivity and builds strong aura around us, thus keeping the negativity away from us, overall protecting us from negative elements in the environment.
The lack of physical contact is advantageous here , now when we are in physical connect say for example in a handshake, there we allow the other person aura and if he is carrying negativity to get mixed in our circle. The physical connect enhances the flow of subtle energies between two people and with this gesture we minimize these situations.
During the performance of YOG, it is one of the most important MUDRA and is known as ANJALI MUDRA, it is believed whilst performing both the hands are together and enable the simulation of the left brain and the right brain, it is said to bring the deeper connection between the two parts of minds as fingers and palms are receptors and joining them together bonds to transfer the energies.
NAMASKAR pose is also known as HRADYULAYA AND ATAMANJALI POSE and here the hands are together and placed next to the heart pointing upwards, highly practiced during meditation as it streamlines the energies from bottom to top and through the finger tips connects the energies with cosmic positive energies.
It is also used in many other poses like TADAASANA, VRASHKASANA while performing yoga
Interestingly, where you are in a position when you cannot perform it in open due to any subjective cultural restrictions, it can very well be performed silently in mind and by the gestures of eyelids closing together, it has the same advantages as mentioned above.
V beautiful article I have read this ideology before but here more explicitly explained.
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