YOGA has been a proved regime for health and fitness , lot of old age scripts have mentioned the importance of YOGA in improvising the overall fitness , in fact I found YOGA a complete exercise guide targeting not only physical good look but also to improve the functioning of internal organs.
Everything in our body bounds to BREATHING, we never considered the way we can hold or escalate our breathing, it affects our body.
Have you ever thought, how does our BREATHING affects’ our fitness?
Let’s get though this , all our body parts such as bones , organs, ligaments , tendons are surrounded by deep tissues and during the high stress [physical and mental] these stressed tissues can cause the concern to these areas which are all over our body. So important is to exercise control over these tissues. Right breathing practices during physical endurance relieves this stress and thus relieves the tissues.
During practicing YOGA, Breathing and movement has to synchronize otherwise it’s not yoga – this statement itself shows the importance of BREATHING in yoga.
There are two VITAL components of right breathing the INHALE –the active process and EXHALE – passive process; in short we can understand them as below
INHALING – the active process
Inhaling is the important as being the active process while practicing YOGA, when we inhale it expands the lungs and diaphragm of the upper body. It increases the extension of the lungs and boostst he blood circulation
EXHALING-the passive process
It is advised while exhaling the diaphragm contracts as it has to be exhaled out in total giving little pressure on the lungs to squeeze out all the air , thus compressing the lungs and even the stomach. This extension and contraction of the diaphragm and stomach relieves a lot of stress and is one of the best exercises to activate the internal organs
YOGA is preventive and regular routine increases our endurance to fight diseases, ailments and common health problems
Best exercises to strengthen immunity and improve overall health

Shalabasana or the locust pose is backward extension of the spine.
Lie down on mat in prone position resting your chin on mat with legs straight and feet are stretched having toes pointing outward. Rest your arms by the side with palms facing ground and slightly under the thighs ,be at ease and compose yourself with regular breathing
EXHALING –stretch the right leg straight up to maximum you can, while maintaining the left leg and palms firmly on to the ground, contracting the hips and spine.
Maintain this pose for 6 seconds minimum and then suspending the breath. Bring back to original position while inhaling gently.
Follow the similar steps for Left Leg.
Now raise both the legs together INHALING ,joined firm without stressing much on your spine , no worries both legs together would not rise as much as single leg individually.
REPS: Minimum 3 rounds with short pause in between.
LIMITATIONS –in event of practitioner in conditions of HERNIA, PREGNENCY, and HEART AILMENTS should avoid or practice with trained yoga teacher guidance
Tones sciatic nerves, relieves backache
Activates internal organs like Kidney, Liver and other organs of lower parts of body
Increases abdominal pressures, regulating intestine functions

This is one of the elementary Yoga pose and it is often used in many poses ahead whichever fall in standing position.
INHALE while raising up and exhale while coming back to start position, hold time 12 to 15 seconds
Stand straight on a mat or ground with composed relax body and soul, take a deep breath and gently inhale and exhale couple of times preparing for this asana.
LIFT up your toes gently ensuring the back is straight and extended upward
Ensure your calf muscles and thighs are stretched too lifting your knee caps upwards
Shoulders should be shrugging your ears with hand stretched straight up
Pull your body upward while maintaining toes firmly on ground. Look straight
Improves your posture, create space in abdomen and stretch lungs for better inhaling and exhaling. With every such extension it improves the capability of the respiratory system to improvise in breathing
Improves overall posture and assist in gaining height as well

As the name indicates the child pose, the pose resembles the Fetal position and if done regularly provides immense mental and physical peace.
Preparing for this pose is simple; it is easier to perform this more after practicing the Tad asana as described earlier as the body is stretched and flexible. One should be empty stomach or free with bowel while performing this pose.
Kneel down on the floor mat touching your big toes together sitting on heels, make yourself comfortable and then spread your knees to shoulder width. INHALE while doing this
Bend forward with straight body gently, placing your stomach/torso between the thighs as you EXHALE slowly. Extends your hands forward touching the ground and resting your head between the shoulders and forehead touching the ground.
Make sure your hands are touching the ground firmly and press palms on to the ground.
As this is resting position, one can stay in this position from few seconds to few minutes as well.
Gently raise back lifting your front shoulders with support of hands and then lifting body through straightening tail bone over the hips and coming back to kneel position.
Throughout this exercise breath gently, remember to inhale and exhale at the starting pints as referred above.
Improves oxygen absorption in blood, Relieves anxiety, stress and fatigue
Align the whole body, Improves blood circulation and improves oxygen levels in blood

Matsaya in SANSKRIT means the Fish, so it is also called the Fish Pose, and it has greater relevance in the YOGA. It is called one of the best Yoga exercise because of its immense benefits
Lie down on the yoga mat straight facing upward and body stretched, make sure your palms are tucked under your hips with palms facing downward.
Elbows need to be pressed alongside the body firmly,
INHALING –raise the chest upward, away from the floor. Now keeping the chest elevated touch the top of the head on to the floor.
With the head touching lightly to the floor, place the weight of the body on the elbows; the chest should be elevated between the shoulder blades and press the thighs and legs on to the floor.
Hold on to the pose as much as you can comfortably and breathing in and out in comfort.
Now lift the head little up ,lowering the chest get back to starting position.
Enhances the spine posture
Stretches the back muscles relieving the stress in neck and back
Aids better respiratory system and encourages deep breathing
Tones up pineal and pituitary glands
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